Russian Biotech

Sustanon - 300-2
Testosterone propionate – 30 mg.
Testosterone phenylpropionate – 75 mg.
Testosterone isocaproate – 75 mg.
Testosterone decanoate – 120 mg.
COMPOSITION: Each 1 ml contains 300 mg of a mixture of Testosterone propionate,
Testosterone phenylpropionate, Testosterone isocaproate and Testosterone decanoate
Formula – C19H28O2
Androgenic: 100
Anabolic: 100
INDICATIONS: Men: Sustanon is indicated to increase muscle mass, stiffness, without water retention and estrogenic activity, and to increase metabolic rate, which means an increase in the rate of fat burning. Women: Because women will suffer virilization effects even at low doses, this drug should not be taken by women.